The PROPAINT project, “Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit”, is implemented within the EU 6th Framework Programme, Priority 8.1 ‘Policy oriented research’.

The project includes 7 partners and 3 subcontractors that are research organisations, conservation schools, museums and enterprises. The project has an End User Group consisting of 9 museums.
The project started on February 1, 2007 and will finish in January 2010. The total cost of the project is 1.010.600 Euro of which 770.000 Euro is provided by the European Commission.
Apsley House, London (English heritage)
The PROPAINT Final Report can be found at the link:
Final Report
The reference to the PROPAINT Final Report available as a NILU report can be found at the following link:
20th-21st November 2009. The PROPAINT Final Seminar and Workshop.
The PROPAINT Final Seminar and Workshop for End Users will be arranged at the National Museum of Krakow, Poland. See announcment on:
19th November 2009. PROPAINT Board meeting 02-09.
The meeting will take place at the National Museum
of Krakow, Poland. Responsible for hosting the meeting will be the National Museum of Krakow.
18-19th June 2009. Propaint Board meeting 01-09.
The meeting will take place at NILU in Lillestrøm just outside Oslo – Norway. Responsible for hosting the meeting will be NILU.
6-7th December 2008. Propaint Board meeting 02-08.
The meeting will take place in Madrid. Responsible for hosting the meeting will be SIT-ARTYD.
9th to 10th June 2008. Pisa. Third PROPAINT Board Meeting.
The third PROPAINT board meeting will be arranged in Pisa by the University of Pisa.
17th to 19th April 2008. 8th Indoor Air Quality in Museums and Archieves (IAQ) conference in Vienna.
PROPAINT will give a presentation at the conference, focusing on the results from the dosimeter-measurements in the microclimate-frames in the museums.
1st February (1st or 2nd week of February) 2008. Demounting of dosimeters and mounting of passive samplers in End user museums.
It is planned that demounting of dosimeters and mounting of replacing passive samplers will take place inside and outside of mc-frames in End user museums. The date of demounting / mounting in February 2008 should be as close as possible to the same date in November 2007, to give three months exposures of the dosimeters.
21st November 2007, Copenhagen. Next PROPAINT board meeting.
The next PROPAINT meeting will be held in Copenhagen 21st November 2007, arranged by RDAFA.SC, in conjunction with the ICOM-CC conference on Preventive Conservation arranged by The National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen 19-23 November 2007. (See
1st November 2007. Start of dosimeter exposures in museums.
It is planned that simultaneous exposures of the three types of dosimeters will start inside and just outside of microclimate frames in the End user museums.
9th July 2007, SIT-Artyd laboratories, Madrid.
A technical meeting among the dosimter providers and the SIT-Artyd company will be held in the SIT-Artyd laboratories in Madrid, 9th July 2007, when installation of the three different dosimters and of passive samplers will be performed in new built microclimate frames with new prepared mock panel paintings inside.